Minecraft - The Lost Server

Download Minecraft Link.png|Really Scary
Goryminecraft.png|Minecraft Gore
When I Played Minecraft Abour Four Years, I Loved It. I Love Punching The Tree For Wood, Punching Diamonds To Get Nothing And Punching Cows. That Night, I Found A Server Called "The Lost Server" And I Joined The Server But There Is Only One Player Who’s Name "SchnitzelTheMasta1939" I Talked To Him But He Didn’t Spoke Any Word. But Something Happened, His Starting Going To Kill A Cow With A Diamond Sword But There Is Gore Everywhere.
Then I Started To Kill Him But He Cannot Die, I Thought It Was A Cheater Who Somehow Activated Creatif. But It’s A Demon And He Killed Me. But Something Happened To My Screen And It Says "You Will Die Soon" And I Freaked Out About It.
The Next Day, I Turned On My Computer But It Has Gore In It And I Was Terrified By It. I Tried To Turn It Off But It Won’t Turn Off And I Removed The The Cables But It Didn’t Worked. I Called The Technision About My Computer Having Gore Imagery Everywhere And They Entered My House And When They Entered My Room, The Computer Is Completly Fine And They Didn’t Believed Me.
I Played Minecraft Again But "SchnitzelTheMasta1939" Is Stalking Me Everywhere And He Keeps Breaking The Fourth Wall To Me. And He Says "I Will Kill You In Real Life To Eat Your Flesh And Bones But If You Killed Me, You Will Be The Next Of Me" And I Started To Fight Him One Last Time. We Are Fighting And I Killed Him But Revived And Going Towards Me Into The Screen And He Breaking In My Computer. And I Grabed My Knife And Stabbing Him In The Back And He Said "Your The Next" And Something Happened To Me.
I Have Become A Demon Now And I Killed Everyone On Earth By Blasting My Blood In The World And I Died - The End P.S No Minecraft Fanbois Allowed.